Thursday, September 27, 2012

Old Thing Part 1.

My computers have decided to be abnormally abhorrent the past two months. Computers, I say?! Yes- my first one broke a while ago and my replacement (a hand me down laptop) also broke. I got my new one about a week or so ago, but haven't been able to make any new blogposts- yet. B| More are coming. 'Til then, here's an old thing I drew forever ago.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

explaining absence and whatnot.

So my old computer went kapoot and I lost a bunch of old blog posts that I was needing to finish. However, here's a picture of a potato.

Hopefully I'll be putting up some more blog posts later this week. Maybe. o_o I PROMISE NOTHING

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

seven reasons why teenagers don't sleep

7. Chronic Insomnia.

6. Homework.

5. Room is possessed

4. Caffeine

3. Forgot to brush teeth (too lazy to do so)

2. Last minute hunger pains

                                                   1. The internet.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

how the internet was indirectly to blame for llamas

I hinted at how Lucifer created Llamas in my last post. People ask me why I am so biased against these 'furry' and 'innocent' 'creatures'. This post should help explain why.

The internet crashed. This left a void in Lucifer's daily activities.


...fifteen minutes later:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

why Purple Penguins are evul

Purple Penguins are Evul. That is undeniable scientific fact. Purple penguins were created by Llamas, who were similarly created by Lucifer. Thus the evulness. Here are some more reasons why you should fear them:

Their singing, while both absolutely utterly horrible and plagued with poor lyrics, causes global warming. And they darn well know it. They can swim and live off the fish in the sea. What will happen to us when the poles melt over? Drown.

They have razor sharp teeth.

They're depleting our natural resources.

They've perverted our sense of liberty.

Seen the state of the country lately? It's no coincidence. 

Ever heard of P.P.I.? No? Well, it stands for Purple Penguins International. It's a covert terrorist organization. Helmed by Purple Penguins.

They know where you live. Look around. They're watching you.